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March 21, 2023

Study explores the potential benefits of small package drone delivery in Ireland

  • , Drone delivery
  • , Europe
  • , Report


Global consultancy Accenture recently conducted a study to determine the benefits of drone delivery for last mile delivery in Ireland, particularly in the congested greater Dublin area.

Ireland has established itself as a global innovation hub – including for drone delivery. And drones have the potential to transform delivery around the world. Flying above the traffic, drones can quickly and cost-effectively deliver small packages of groceries, medicine, household items, and even medical supplies, saving organisations and consumers time and money while also helping to reduce congestion, greenhouse gas emissions, and accidents on our roads.

Drones could be a cost-effective solution for small items needing to travel distances of 1 to 10 km. Based on these criteria, drones could deliver up to 7-9% of retail transactions (including takeaway, pharmacy, groceries and household items) by 2033 across most of Ireland. In fact, drone deliveries could replace 42 million customer pick-up journeys by 2033. Drones will support businesses to be more competitive, providing greater choice and convenience for customers, while also reducing the total number of motor vehicle journeys.

Road transportation accounts for 18% of Ireland’s greenhouse gas emissions and replacing some of those journeys with delivery drones could have a significant environmental impact. By using drones to deliver 7-9% of retail transactions, we could expect more than 28,000 fewer tonnes of CO2 being emitted per year by 2033 – equivalent to the carbon storage of close to 830,000 trees. Not to mention, drone delivery is forecasted to reduce motor vehicle kilometres by 480 million each year by 2033, resulting in about 60 fewer accidents on Irish roads each year.

To read the full study, click here.